
do you do diversity,
equity, & inclusion?

Can you set the perfect table, complete with the perfect floral arragement, for teams looking to "shake things up a bit"?

No, we cannot.

Can you pour DEI like hot sauce, waiting to enhance that age-old recipe we already do so very well? 

Definitely not.

Do you serve equity like a generous helping of mashed potatoes, the ultimate comfort food?

No, we do not cater to comfort.

Can you design me the perfect five-course meal, starting with an amuse-bouche that caters to my palate, my allergies, my lactose intolerance, my aversion to gluten, spicy or smoky flavors? Because I like spice, but I don’t want heartburn.

No, it will probably burn… But, we will help you: 1.) Listen more deeply to your people (especially your critics); 2.) Make sense of research, community input, and best practices; and 3.) Make defining choices about who and what your organization prioritizes.

Honestly, we can’t help you cook a meal—we’re terrible at following recipes—but we will help you re-imagine your kitchen. As the saying goes: Give someone a fish, and they’ll only eat for a day...